Insights® Discovery Profile

What is Insights Discovery?
Insights Discovery is a personal development tool that provides a unique insight into yourself and your interactions with others. It enables you to understand yourself better, recognise and adapt to others’ styles and improve your communication and interactions with those around you.
How is Insights Discovery Different?
It provides simplicity through a practical and memorable Insights colour model.
It provides depth through an 18+ page Insights Discovery Profile.
It focuses equally on your ability to recognise and adapt to others as well as understanding your own style.
The Insights Discovery Personal Profile
The Insights Discovery Profile is produced from responses to a 25 frame on-line evaluator, the Insights Discovery Profile measures your preferences and it is unique to you. At its core is the Foundation Chapter which gives information on your style, your key strengths and possible weaknesses, your value to a team, your communication style and suggestions for personal development.
In addition to the core Foundation Chapter, additional chapters include a Management Chapter, Personal Achievement Chapter and Effective Selling Chapter, these can also be included or added at a later stage for ongoing learning and development.
The Insights Discovery Personal Profile provides:
- A guide to your personality type
- An insight into the impact you can have on others
- An understanding of other’s personality types
- Suggestions on how to adapt your style to improve your communication skills, rapport building, influencing, leadership and teamwork.
The Insights Discovery Profile is available in over 30 countries and 25 languages.
“ Participants were truly amazed by their Personal Profiles and how their strengths and weaknesses could affect others. The programme made everyone understand that although we are all different, we are all important and we have a role to play in the business. ”
Steve Lyne
Shell U.K. Limited
We deliver face to face briefing sessions and virtual coaching sessions.
Contact us for more information on Insights Discovery and Insights Discovery Profiles.